M y name is Oluwakemi Adegbaso, I am 36years old. From Idanre, Ondo State. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing University of Uyo, Akwa-Ibom state, I have lived a healthy life since birth up until the year 2022 when I began to experience some discomfort in my throat, accompanied with difficulty to swallow. At first, I thought it was ‘just’ a sore throat or other bacterial infection. Like most people will do, I sought generic antibiotics to treat the ‘infection’. But the pain during swallowing got worse and this painful experience lingered on for weeks. Early in 2023, things took a downward turn, and my health began to deteriorate, with obvious weight-loss as I could barely eat anything through my mouth. On a visit to a private hospital, a CT-Scan to ascertain the true state of what was going on in my throat was recommended. By and large, I was admitted to the Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Ondo State where I underwent series of tests and medical examinations. Alas! the soul-wrecking b...