Dear Friends, Dear World, Two weeks have passed in the quest to raise an outstanding of $8975, being debt owed the Hospital where Kemi has been receiving cancer treatment in India. It has been one challenging day after another, as Kemi and her Carer edge inevitably closer to being handed over to the Indian Immigration Police (FRRO). As we speak, both their passports and other travel documents have being withheld/seized by the hospital in lieu of payment. It’s unclear how this will turn out at Immigration later this week in the face of obvious lack of funds to pay her debt. Frantic efforts are being made to secure organisational support for Kemi, the Nigeria in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM) have been contacted, The Nigeria High Commission in India, amongst other private efforts, but none has yielded any positive results till date. Hence, our biggest support base, which is YOU (The General Public) remains the only place to run to in the face of confusion. To assist Kemi a...