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Showing posts from November, 2023

TREATMENT UPDATE (#HelpKemiFightCancer)

  G ood day World, This is firstly to thank us all for our love, understanding, kind donations and heartfelt prayers and wishes towards Kemi Adegbaso and the #HelpKemiFightCancer crowdfunding project. We apologize for the break/silence which was due to factors beyond our immediate control. Words cannot express our gratitude, but we pray that the good Lord will bless your family and you, indeed! Key Updates: After a prolonged Visa process, Health screening, and Airline Clearance procedures; 1. Kemi, is in India.   2. Due to the delays experienced (mostly out of her control), the cancers have progressed faster than our efforts, leading to additional medical/treatment recommendations which must also be carried out fast.  3. Recall that as at the last communication on the crowdfunding, we had raised N18M of the then required N23M leaving a balance of N5M left to get (based on old forex rates), but current need could go up to as much as 10M.  4. Based on current evaluation/diagnosis in Indi